Monday, February 23, 2009

Two presentations and 1 vocational day under our belts...

G'Day Mates!

Well, we've had "spot of trouble" getting internet access here in our hotel without losing an arm or a leg in the process... but one of our hosts was kind enough to lend us her laptop with the internet card. Otherwise we would be hoofin' it to the mall half a mile away in the heat & humidity:)

Well, we've done two presentations so far. Yesterday was at a lunch club. It was a very informal and fun meeting. We had met most of the members on Sunday at Bill's house, and they were all so warm and welcoming! Last night's meeting was a bit more formal. That presentation also went well!

Today was our first vocational day. I met some amazing people at a program called NETS - which is a mobile intensive care unit for babies and kids. I also met a bunch of awesome nurses who work in the community.

The health care system is very different here. They have a public system, which everyone has access to at no cost. Other than the condition of the buildings, the system seems to work well for most people. If you want to have an elective procedure, private seems to be the way to go, unless you're not in any hurry. You could wait a year and a half for an elective surgery. Well, I hope that's as interesting to some of you as it is to me!

Well, gotta run. We're getting ready for our 3rd club meeting and presentation.



  1. Hey guys, finally took a minute to jump in here. Sounds like it aok so far. It's Wednesday morning here now not sure what time or day it is there but I'm ready for an update so how goes it?
    As for here all is well and wall to wall boxes!!! Enjoyed seeing your handsome face (one that I wasn't believing I was old enough to be the mother of!), on Nascar Angels Sunday Darol!

  2. is hot wheelz bowling?

  3. Glad you all made it safely!

    I'm really interested in the differences in their medical system, both pros and cons. As the U.S. moves towards socialized medicine it's important we know what we're getting.

    Have a great time and keep blogging!
